/* ******************************************************* * filename : main.js * description : 准旍澑�愲 �毄�橂姅 JS * date : 2020-02-24 ******************************************************** */ jQuery(function ($) { /* *********************** 准旍澑 Fullpage ************************ */ if (detectBrowser() === "Firefox" || "chrome" || detectBrowser() === "18.1") { scrollState = true; } else { scrollState = false; } $('#fullpage').fullpage({ css3: true, fitToSection: false, navigation: true, scrollBar: scrollState, navigationPosition: 'right', navigationTooltips: ['', '', '', ''], responsiveWidth: 1024, onLeave: function (index, nextIndex, direction) { if (nextIndex == 2) { setTimeout(function () { $("#mainBusinessContent").addClass("scroll-active-animate"); $('.main-business-list-con').slick("play"); }, 600); } else if (nextIndex == 3) { setTimeout(function () { $("#mainShowroomContent").addClass("scroll-active-animate"); }, 400); } else if (nextIndex == 4) { setTimeout(function () { $("#mainRelationContent").addClass("scroll-active-animate"); $('.relation-list-con > ul').slick("play"); }, 400); } // �检leftBar �夓儊氤�瓴� if (nextIndex > 2) { $("#fp-nav").addClass("black"); } else { $("#fp-nav").removeClass("black"); } } }); /* *********************** 准旍澑 牍勳<�� ************************ */ // 准旍澑 牍勳<�� �掛澊臧� �れ爼 if ($.exists('#mainVisual.full-height')) { mainVisualHeight(); $(window).on('resize', mainVisualHeight); function mainVisualHeight() { var visual_height = getWindowHeight() - $("#header").height(); // header臧� fixed or absolute�缄步�� - $("#header").height() ��牅 if (getWindowWidth() > 800) { $("#mainVisual").height(visual_height); } else { $("#mainVisual").css("height", "auto"); } } } // 准旍澑 牍勳<�� �澕�措摐 /* var $mainVisualItem = $(".main-visual-con"); $mainVisualItem.on('init', function(event, slick) { $(".main-visual-item").eq(0).addClass("active-item"); }); $mainVisualItem.on('beforeChange', function(event, slick, currentSlide, nextSlide) { $(".main-visual-item").removeClass("active-item"); $(this).find(".main-visual-item").eq(nextSlide).addClass("active-item") }); $mainVisualItem.slick({ slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1, arrows: false, fade: true, dots:true, autoplay: true, speed:0, infinite:true, autoplaySpeed: 4000, easing: 'easeInOutQuint', pauseOnHover:false, zIndex:1 }); */ /* *********************** 准旍澑 牍勳<�� �澕�措摐 ************************ */ // 准旍澑 牍勳<�� �澕�措摐 var $visualWrapper = $("#mainVisual"); var $visualList = $visualWrapper.find(".main-visual-item"); var $txtList = $(".visual-txt-item"); var $bulletList = $(".main-visual-paging > span"); var visualLength = $visualList.length; var visualIndex = 0; var visualSpeed = 5000; var isClick = 0; $visualList.each(function () { var $divideItem = $(this).find(".sub-visual-bg-box"); var bgSrc = $divideItem.data("img-src"); for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { $divideItem.append("
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